You happen to be in a room with several women, they are waiting for their
children to emerge from preschool... You hear the word Pagan...
What is the first thing that comes to mind? Satanism? Devil worship and
school shootings? If you are interested in what the word Pagan means to me,
please read on. But if you are a single minded person, hellbent on believing
one thing, and one thing only, please leave my website.
For I am a loving person, a good person and would bring harm to no one.
I believe in the Law of Three.
I am Pagan. I am Wiccan. I am a Witch.*S*
And further more, I have NOTHING to do with the above description of Paganism.
I was raised in a Christian home, loving parents and a happy home life.
Over the years, I began to question my role in the Christian church, like
many do I'm sure. I was torn between Christianity and science, and quite
disturbed in the fact that we were suppose to give money to the church,
like it was free flowing from our pockets. Why did the Pastor look down
his nose when he met you at the grocery store... just because you failed
to attend his church for several weeks?
I am by no means a heathen... I do believe that there are higher powers
that guide us through life. Mine happen to be different than most.
Whether you are a Solitary Practitioner, or have the company of a Coven,
there are always new things to be learned and experienced. The Wiccan
world is very diverse.
Wiccans, Pagans and Witches, no matter what form of the Craft they might
practice, are not evil. Stereotyped for centuries by uniformed people, burned,
hanged and tortured. What do Wiccans really stand for?The religion that I
practice is full of Love, Light and purpose, not evil or satanic. How can
something this "natural" be considered evil? When our religion centers
around nature and Mother Earth.
You might be surprised to find that the woman or man living next door to you
burns a candle to help you feel better during an illness, or is casting just
to try and give you insight and be a more open minded person...
Everyone has their reasons for opening their hearts and minds to the Craft,
I hope that you leave here with a bit more insight and understanding for
those that choose this path.
In Her Image,
Pagans, the Mother of Christianity
The Wiccan Rede
The Pagan Yule and how Christmas came to be...
Ostara... Before the Easter Bunny
IMBOLC/Candlemas... Learn more about the Coming of Spring.
Lammas~ August Eve
Summer Solstice
Email ~Cat
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