I would like to introduce you to my immortal
alter ego. She travels the Faerie Path, walking with the Gods and Goddesses
of ancient times.
Welcome to my dark home... Please forgive me, the moving of my belongings,
has been a tedious and time consuming effort. I hope to move in as soon as
the time allows, please check back and visit often, as this wonderful palace
of mine, will tower skyward quickly...
I would also like to extend an invitaion to visit my sister site...
That of which will enable you to view other role playing characters
that I have created, nurtured and love body and soul... But for now,
Please, get to know My RavenzLove, she is a exraordinary enchantress
that has captured the hearts of men and women alike...You will find
Ms.Catherine here...
Welcome, weary traveler.
My name is RavenzLove, seventh daughter of the
Rogue Raven, who in turn, is the seventh daughter of Ravenshare.
I hail
from the ancient and forgotten land of Ireland, concieved so long ago, it
seems forever. I was borne on the second full moom after harvest, we call
it Samhain. This is the time that our year comes to a close, bringing with
it the closeness of the Otherworld. When the walls of the mortal world and
the Otherworld are the thinnest, allowing both mortal and immortal to pass
through to each others side. I was told this is a good time to be borne,
mixing my spirit with the spirits of my ancient anscestors.
My grandmother, who taught us the ways of the white magick, has long
since died in body, but her spirit walks with me still. She instilled
fear of evil, the pleasures of wonderous dreams and the love of nature.
We are of the Celtic tribe La T`ene, which has also long since vanished.
My people were lovers and creators of nature and all she has to behold.
Bathing in the moonlite, losing ourselves in the Pagan dancing,
taking our spirits beyond the realm of mortality.
My sister, Dark Raven has come to live with me, and has traveled this long
journey by my side. Make yourself at home in our newly found palace,
enjoying all that we have to offer. Play with me, talk with me, love me...
But also remember, that love is eternal, and I shall do my best to keep you
to myslef, proving that the blood of my line remains strong...
Email ~Cat
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