So there is no misunderstanding, if you would like to read about the Path I have
chosen, go to my Celtic and Wiccan Page. I am in no way, shape or form into Satanic Worship.
The Egyptians worshipped the cat as a symbol of the moon, not only because
it is more active
after sunset, but from the dilation and contraction of its pupil,
symbolical of the waxing
and waning of the night-goddess.
- Brewer, "Dictionary of Phrase & Fable"
Greetings, and welcome to my
eclectic web site. Friends on the web call me ~Cat.
The following links
are subjects that
have caught and continue to hold my interest for reasons unknown...Each link
leads to a separate page that I have designed, unless otherwise noted.
Please feel free to browse my pages of fantasy, aberration,loves and friendships
,cultures, mystics and entertainment...
Realm of ReadHeads
Email ~Cat
All backgrounds and most graphics have been created by
Any views stated in the realm of ~Cat are purely her own views and
not to be mistaken as YOUR views.
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