What are we? The Damned childer of Caine?
The grotesque lords of humanity? The pitiful wretches of eternal hell?
We are vampires, and that is enough.
I am vampire, and that is far more than enough.
I am that which must be feared, worshiped and adored.
The world is mine - now and forever.

No one holds command over me. No man. No god. No prince.

What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal?
What is a claim of power for ones who defy death?
Call your damnable hunt. We shall see whom I drag screaming to hell with me.

Vampire: The Masquerade is developed by JustinAchilli.

~~My Story~~

Welcome, my name is Catherine...But you may call me ~Cat...*G* And this is my story, and how I came to be Kindred...
I am 28 years old, and have been, never changing, aging or graying for centuries...
I originally hail from Italia, the origin and social beginnings of the Camerilla. I lived on the border of Italy and Austria. In a town that is now engulfed by the city Monfalcone. I worked as a seamstress for the wealthy. Men and women that could afford the most beautiful of clothing. And also those that were not effected by the reign of torture that had briefly taken over our land.

I met a young man, someone that my eyes had never set upon. He was tall, handsome and very kind. He strode into my small shop with such confidence, I assumed that he was of good background and wealth. He commissioned me to his Progeny, as he called him, a man that would pay any price to have his wardrobe enhanced. So I asked if he would visit, so I could discuss matters with him. This he said was not possible, for he lived hundreds of miles away, in Roma. Nicholas, as I was to know this young man, had been sent for me, to bring me back with him, to be the personal servant of Victor Mazzini.

I would leave my family, traveling to Rome with my young companion, not knowing my fate, though praying it would be of good intentions...

We traveled for months, always staying in the fine inns, never having to beg for food, clothing or shelter. Our horses, seeming tireless would know their way through the darkness, as if urged on by some unseen hand, guiding them home. We reached Rome, only to find things there just as disrupted as the place we had left. But when we arrived at the home of Mazzini, it was as if nothing had changed for centuries. It was a magnificent place. I had never seen such splendor in my life. When I asked Nicholas where his provider was, I was told he would be down for the evening meal.

Weeks later, after asking of the man I came to work for, I finally was introduced to him. He was a tall, slender man, but not scrawny by any means. He was handsome, with a close cropped beard, and piercing eyes, that seemed to bore through my soul. We sat for our meals, though he only partook of wine that was served, and picking scantly at meat set before him.

I had been at his home for more months than I care to think before we finally came to discuss his wardrobe needs. It was at this time, that I was introduced to his "family". His Tremere Family. They were very well to do people it seemed. Showing up at times, unnoticed. I never questioned their presence. It was also at this time, that I started having disturbing dreams, never quite remembering the whole dream, even losing days at a time. And bazaar noises that would awaken me from sound sleeps, beckoning in the darkness to join unseen voices.
As I lay in my suite one night, a figure appeared at the door to my bedroom. It was Victor. Asking that he may enter, I agreed and invited him in. It is then, that he explained events that had been so mysterious to me. He was of Third Generation Tremere. A Clan of beings that had existed for more than a millennium, he himself, not knowing how or when they began. At first, I had no knowledge of his ramblings, He seemed entranced with his own stories, tales I thought, to frighten me. I wanted to flee, but forces unknown to mortal man, kept me anchored firmly to my spot. As I listened, his words were comforting. I also learned that I was an ancestor, dating back to him hundreds of years. He had been hesitant, trying to approach me several times. Wanting to rejoin the ancient family that he had so long ago been pulled from. As the blood trickled from my wrist, the blood still glistening on his lips, I looked at him in amazement, not remembering or realizing that he had placed my wrist to his lips. he proceed to slice a small wound on his own wrist, offering it to me, while I hesitantly partook of the lifes blood flowing freely from him. And I was frightened no more. Over nights of conversation and what I had now discovered was a teaching of sorts, he explained that we would be eternal, serving our Clan, mastering skills that no mortal would ever know... Unless it was bestowed upon them, by us.

I have seen many years pass. The times are ever changing, and bringing with them so many new and interesting beliefs. There is truly nothing to fear from me. For I feed and live mainly upon the morally corrupt and thus deserving of my attack. Or more often, a willing donor who for various reasons allow me to use them. For the survival of all, the Clans of the Camarilla must band together, put aside differences, to be strong again as a nation, and to bring down, what has for so many years tried to abolish our race, so we may forever walk proudly, knowing we are eternal...

"He bore the curse of the seed of Caine,whereby God punished the grievous guilt of Able's murderer. Nor ever had Caine caused to the boast of the deed of blood. God banished him far from the fields of men: Of his blood, was begotten an evil brood..."~~~Beowulf

Email ~Cat